“I believe that anyone, but especially the medical community ought to be advocating for a healthier, cleaner environment. That’s why I love your Green Initiative and the way you tie climate change right into human health.”
-David Suzuki
Keynote Speaker, HFHT Annual General Meeting 2021
Who We Are & What We Do
The Lancet Commission on Climate Change has identified climate change as both the greatest global health threat and opportunity of the 21st century. Healthcare is part of the threat as it is responsible for almost 5% of all of Canada’s emissions, but also poses an opportunity, as providing quality healthcare is very often low-carbon care. We invite you to join the Hamilton FHT Green Initiative (subscribe to our quarterly newletter here!). Since 2019, we have been summarizing evidence, launching initiatives, delivering educational events, partnering with other environmental organizations and creating many practical tools to share.
The Hamilton Family Health Team’s Green Initiative is working to support environmental sustainability in the delivery of primary care both within clinical care and the waste and emissions from the places in which we provide that care.
Liza Zvereva
Research Assistant/Project Manager,
Green Initiative
Dr. Myles Sergeant
Family Physician Lead,
Green Initiative
Comprehensive Toolkits For Providers
Green Office Toolkit
Looking to green your office? Use our Green Office Toolkit, updated for 2024 and filled with implementation tips for building a sustainable workplace. This toolkit is a living document, so we welcome your feedback for future versions to green.team@hamiltonfht.ca.
Sustainable Healthcare for Serious Illness & End of Life Care
A practical guide for primary health care teams aiming to assist with overcoming barriers when engaging with Advance Care Planning and how environmentally sustainable practices can be integrated into patient care and health care delivery.
Other Green Initiative Projects
C.A.R.E. (Clear Air, Respiratory Excellence)
Coming Soon
Plant-Rich Eating
Eating plant-rich is a quadruple win as it improves health, reduces the costs and carbon footprint of healthcare, and reduces the carbon footprint of animal agriculture. Click here to learn more.
Green Corner Newsletter
We welcome anyone to subscribe to the Green Corner Newsletter
Interested in learning more about the Green Initiative, or getting involved?
We’d love to hear from you!