Resources Recommended By Our Physiotherapists

FREE Physiotherapy Eligibility

Hamilton Family Health Team Physiotherapy

To qualify for HFHT Physio, you must be be referred by your doctor or healthcare provider, and they must be in our network (search if your doctor is in our network here)

  • You must be age 20-64  
  • You must have no extended health benefits for physiotherapy through work/school  
  • No ongoing litigation related to this injury   
  • No WSIB or MVA claim related to this injury 

OHIP-Funded Physiotherapy

If you are younger than 19 or older than 65 years old, you may qualify for physiotherapy services funded by the Ontario government (not through our Health Team). To see a listing of all designated physiotherapy clinics, please visit the government’s website, or our pdf of Hamilton Physio Clinics that Take OHIP:

If you’re receiving benefits from the Ontario Disability Support Program or Ontario Works, you also qualify for funding at a designated physiotherapy clinic. You need a drug benefit card and Ontario health card. To see a listing of all designated physiotherapy clinics, please visit the government’s website, or pdf of Hamilton Physio Clinics that Take OHIP

Veterans may qualify for funded physiotherapy at a designated clinic. Please see the Veterans Affairs Canada for more information

Physiotherapy Groups

The HFHT now offers groups through the Physiotherapy Program. For more information, please visit our Physiotherapy Groups on our Public Groups Page

Pelvic Physiotherapy

HFHT does not offer pelvic physiotherapy at this time, but we would like to offer some resources and options:

Pelvic Health Solutions is a great resource for education for patients:

Some private pay options for pelvic Health Physiotherapy in Hamilton include:

Precision Physiotherapy – Stoney Creek – 68 Centennial Pkwy S, Stoney Creek, ON L8G 2C5

Blueberry Therapy – 14 Cross St, Dundas, ON L9H 2R4

Total Health Physio – 102-1144 Wilson St W, Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9

Mulberry Wellness – 166 Bay St N, Hamilton, ON L8R 2P7

Hamilton Chiropractic and Wellness – 838 Fennell Ave E Unit 202, Hamilton, ON L8V 1V6

Helpful Resources and Organizations

Pediatric patients with conditions affecting development or participation at school may qualify for services at a Children’s Developmental Rehabilitation Program, or parents/caregivers may ask a child’s teacher or principal for information about referrals for school-based rehabilitation.

People who need physiotherapy services at home may qualify for funded services through Ontario Health at Home.

Patients of the McMaster/Stonechurch Family Health Team can self-refer to the physiotherapists that are part of that team. Non-FHT patients who are not eligible for any of the physiotherapy services listed here can contact Compass Community Health.